China, US join hands in climate change

China, US join hands in climate change
event_note  1 Jan

China, US join hands in climate change

The significant role of the cooperation mechanism between the legislative bodies of China and the United States in addressing climate change was highly praised at a roundtable conference held in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, on Thursday. Themed "Coping with Climate Change Through Collaboration", the Roundtable on China-US Subnational Legislatures Cooperation was held by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, and the State Legislative Leaders Foundation from the US side. Both the Chinese and US sides introduced the experiences of their respective provinces and states in tackling climate change and promoting green development in the legislative field, and they also expressed the hope to continue promoting exchanges and cooperation between them to create a cleaner world for future generations. Yang Wanming, president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, said in his opening speech that the two countries cannot go back to the old zero-sum game between major powers, but instead should move forward in the direction of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. "Climate change is a common challenge for humanity and an important area for China-US cooperation. An effective response to this challenge requires the support and participation of local governments and civil society forces from both countries." Fan Jinlong, executive vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, underscored the significance of collaboration between China and the US to address climate change. He said that over the years, Jiangsu has formulated 43 local regulations covering various areas such as atmosphere, water and soil, and is increasing its exchanges and interactions with US counterparts, particularly with California. TCM Healthcare lovehoney Bluetooth Earphones Bestbuy Earphones Robert Hertzberg, senior advisor to the State Legislative Leaders Foundation and former majority leader of the California Senate, said that cooperation between the two nations is crucial for making progress in combating climate change while stressing the importance of sharing experiences and practices. The two sides need to put aside differences, focus on the bigger picture for the future and cooperate to find solutions, he said.
